Your building blocks for the integration
of your end-to-end Content Supply Chain

WHATS’ON: the pluggable end-to-end ecosystem enabler that puts you in the driving seat

Combining industry best practices with configurability, extensibility and interoperability, our platform offers your operations a formally documented and release-managed integration framework. This forms your cornerstone for integrating with and within the WHATS’ON ecosystem as well as for integrating WHATS’ON into any wider operation ecosystem.

There is a growing tendency to organize not only the planning workflows but also the media execution workflows as well as the strategic workflows of the end-to-end content supply chain around the same source of truth. As a result, the array of partner solutions that is to be harnessed into an integrated solution only expands. WHATS’ON enables this integration seamlessly. Better still: WHATS’ON leverages and contributes to the enterprise-level single source of truth.

WHATS’ON Business APIs are secure, extensible, versioned, evolving, and well documented

The WHATS’ON integration framework contains several building blocks, such as our configurable reporting, change notification, Business Datasets and Business APIs.

Our Business APIs are standard APIs for specific domains, such as rights management, MAM, and scheduling.

The strength of our BAPIs resides in the fact that they are

  • REST APIs using JSON payloads;
  • well-documented APIs using the OpenAPI Specification;
  • continuously evolving APIs based on best practices and input from all of our clients;
  • extensible APIs with custom attributes;
  • versioned APIs with focus on backwards compatibility;
  • APIs with a strong focus on security.

Paving the way beyond CRUD

Our BAPIs allow you not only to retrieve, create, update and delete data on each concept in WHATS’ON, but also to open up more advanced business logic, such as scheduling content, creating amortization schedules, selling rights, … This goes beyond using APIs to just sync data between systems. You can actually use them to implement business workflows between systems.

Fill out the form and get direct access to the full documentation of our Business APIs.