IBC 2024

At IBC 2024 as not seen on TV: Smart content solutions to strategize, manage, and engage.

How to make FAST faster, cheaper, and better

How to thrive in the crowded FAST lane? Views from experts in the field, rules for success, and practical pointers.

White paper cover: How to make FAST faster, cheaper, and better
White paper illustration: How to make FAST faster, cheaper, and better

An overview of the FAST ecosystem

Learn what experts take away from life in the crowded FAST lane.

  • Tony Huidor, Chief Technology and Product Officer for Cinedigm: “Automation is crucial to be competitive, and yet, all our channels are still curated by humans.”
  • Mary Ann Halford, partner at Altman Solon: “You can be distributing to up to 30 different endpoints, and each of these distribution points can have different ways of measuring how your channel is performing.”
  • Rebecca Twardy, Strategic Account Director for Mediagenix: “The viewer experience on your channel can make or break your brand.”
  • Michel Beke, Product Ambassador for Mediagenix: “While content, content, content is the mantra in the media world, with FAST it is also stand out, stand out, stand out.”

Read about the driving forces behind the fast rise of FAST, the key challenges and the hard and FAST rules for success.
Media Analyst Alan Wolk: “This white paper offers an excellent overview of the FAST ecosystem, along with practical advice on how to thrive in this rapidly evolving landscape. I am confident that you will gain valuable insights from reading it.”

Download the whitepaper here

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